Have you ever given or received an apology that had a powerful and transformative impact? Of late we've been working with organisations committed to making full and wholehearted apologies. A heartfelt apology can...

During my early career as a therapist rehabilitating people after closed head injuries and stroke, I became fascinated by the workings of the brain. These years taught me a lot...

Over the past few years we’ve been training leaders and managers to use a coaching approach to help their staff adjust and navigate rapidly changing environments. Rather than endlessly explaining organisational...

Did you know that research indicates 30-50% of a manager's time is spent averting or addressing conflict?! When working with conflict, we adopt a coaching approach. We’ve worked with scores of...

Have you ever considered your origins and the way they've influenced your approach to life and your work? I began my professional life as an Occupational Therapist so when I connected...

A true measure of a leader – or any person for that matter - is how they respond when things don’t go according to plan. It’s not just setbacks but how...

Do you want to set your staff up for success?  An important strategy is ensuring that they are clear about their roles, responsibilities, delegations and accountabilities. Whilst this may seem obvious, its...

I found myself discussing Japanese Window Sitters recently.  What’s a Japanese Window Sitter you ask? I’ll explain shortly. The conversation took place in a training program to develop manager’s coaching skills. ...