Failure to communicate openly can be a real problem for teams and working relationships.  In the absence of direct communication, indirect communication usually results. A culture of gossip, high unexplained...

Have you ever given or received an apology that had a powerful and transformative impact? Of late we've been working with organisations committed to making full and wholehearted apologies. A heartfelt apology can...

So, how can you get off the Not-So-Merry-Go-Round of Conflict? In my last post I explored how conflict begins – when our sense of identity, values and needs are challenged...

Last night the ABC’s Four Corners program aired shocking footage of the treatment of young Aboriginal children in custody in the Dondale Detention Centre. What I witnessed fills me with...

During my early career as a therapist rehabilitating people after closed head injuries and stroke, I became fascinated by the workings of the brain. These years taught me a lot...

Over the past few years we’ve been training leaders and managers to use a coaching approach to help their staff adjust and navigate rapidly changing environments. Rather than endlessly explaining organisational...

I’ve just returned from an extended stay in Provence where the outrage in the wake of this year’s terrorist attack is still palpable. As I left our local baker Phillipe’s...

Did you know that research indicates 30-50% of a manager's time is spent averting or addressing conflict?! When working with conflict, we adopt a coaching approach. We’ve worked with scores of...

For the last week I’ve been in Warsaw, as a member of the facilitation team for an event known as Worldwork. Delegates from twenty-eight countries gathered to discuss, understand and...