What fascinating times we live in.  COVID is certainly turning our lives upside down. As old and emerging ways of being jostle each other, we experience a sense of disorientation...

Reflecting on COVID-19 and its extra-ordinary power to stop business as usual, a colleague recently said “You know deep down, we have all been calling for this.”  Perhaps not exactly...

Fear is contagious.  ….  So is trust. If you have been into a supermarket over the past week you may well be asking yourself: What’s going on with people? The supplies on the...

When a group of people enter into a retreat with the intention of learning about themselves and the art of leadership, there’s no telling what will happen. It’s an adventure in...

A true measure of a leader – or any person for that matter - is how they respond when things don’t go according to plan. It’s not just setbacks but how...

Like many of you, I am grieving the loss of Robin Williams.  I know I’m not the first to ask “How can a man who was so funny, who brought...