Leadership and Facilitation in the Face of Unprecedented Climate Crisis

Australian communities are currently facing head on the crisis of unprecedented bushfires and drought.  The processing of what we have experienced and what it tells us of a possible future to come, will go on for months and years to come.   The experience of Australia’s summer of 2020 has the capacity to unite us, it also has the capacity to tear us apart as we deal with fear, anxiety, anger and blame.  In conversation with a friend from Bateman’s Bay last night she spoke of the heightened emotion in community meetings, of heroism and courage and of the speed with which looting took place.

Many individuals are asking what can I do?   As we see incredible ordinary leaders emerge it seems that we are on a tipping point between hopelessness and a call for focused and decisive action.

Leaders, facilitators, coaches, consultants and mediators have an important role to play in holding the community in the depth of its feeling and sense making.  To fulfil this role, it’s important that we have firstly done our inner work and can hold a deep appreciation of all of the roles in ourselves and in the field.  It is our ‘fire preparedness’ if you like.

As many of you know, I spent many years training in the USA in a group facilitation methodology known as Worldwork, which I now teach internationally as part of our Team & Systems Coaching program.   Designed for dealing with intense conflicts, that have a capacity to erupt quickly (much like a bushfire or post war situations) and in which trauma can be high.

CLE Consulting Australia and the Global Coaching Institute will host a one day event WORLDWORK:  LEADERSHIP AND FACILITATION IN THE FACE OF UNPRECEDENTED CLIMATE CRISIS in Melbourne on Tuesday January 28, 2020  10am – 5pm.   We are extending an open invitation to practitioner and concerned members of the community.

Worldwork welcomes opinions, feelings and other less obvious earth-based or transcendent wisdoms which may emerge from the quantum field.   In the morning I will share facilitation concepts and skills for working with diverse roles in dynamic and emotionally charged environments.   In the afternoon we will join in community and apply these skills, in a large group dialogue to process our experiences, gain news insight and cultivate our skills.  This is an open event, please invite friends and associates.

For those who can offer a donation of $50, proceeds will be passed on to the Country Fire Authority.  However the most importance gift is your attendance.


MELBOURNE: Tuesday January 28, 2020  10am – 5pm


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